Thursday, February 11, 2010

Early Fans On Super Bowl Sunday

The hotels carry a heavy reservations list during carnival. This day has placed a heavier burden, because, this is Super Bowl Sunday and Saints fans are travelling to New Orleans for the game that is being played in Miami. Saints fans have always known the best place to celebrate anything is New Orleans. The early reports from Miami indicate a less than Saints desirable atmosphere based on restrictions for partying. The Who Dat Nation decided there is no reason to party in Miami, simply party in New Orleans and await the teams return.
The fans have been partying in this city since the first playoff victory and have continued through the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, for many Saints fans there are no hotel vacancies as witnessed by the luggage being dragged down Canal Street. Additionally, luggage is stacked up in front of the Marriot for folks trying to get in with reservations.
It's unusual for a team competing in another city to have their fans gather in their home city for celebrations, however, the loyalty for this team transcends all others.

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