Friday, June 27, 2008
The Facilities At Water Caye
Our Picnic Site At Water Caye
Brenda At The Indian Wok Resturant
Utilla Harbor
Shark Finning On Pigeon Caye
Pigeon Caye is a fishing village off the island of Utilla. These fishermen don't have much appreciation for sharks as a sustainable resource. Although these images are disturbing, I had an opportunity to discuss it with one of the divemasters. His statement is that on Utilla, sharks are completely harvested for the skin, liver, and flesh as food. This image is taken of shark fins, however, they are sold seperately as they have no value in the bay islands.
The Property Adjacent To Utopia Village
The Dining Area
The Dive Shop At Utopia Village
The Windy City Seals Riding the Trail of the Jungle
The Jungle Trail, Utopia Village to the Harbor and return each day.
Offloading The Dive Gear at Days End
Denise and Michele
Melvin and Claudette
Andrew Ryals
Surface Interval Prior To Diving Airport Caves
All Aboard For The First Day of Diving
Onboard the Miss U for travel to Utopia Village
The Commute from Utilla Airstrip to Utilla Harbor
Commuter Airline To Utilla
This is the aircraft that carried us to Utilla from Roatan. There is an interesting story to go with this aircraft. It was pruchased from the Czech Republic after the transition. This is a local airline owned by another brother. He mentioned to us that he flew the aircraft from Europe to Roatan. He is also the CEO of the company.
Crowded Little Customs Area In Honduras
Heavy Conversation On The Back Porch
This image displays how many issues are settled in Soileau. Heavy dialog and heated debate are many times the focus of activity on the back porch in Soileau. Of course in includes rigorous consumption of the featured beverage, ice cold beer. Today, Andrew, Wilfed, Melvin and Mack are engaged in debate over life in Soileau.
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