Thursday, June 26, 2008

Provo, Turks and Caicos

Boarding from New Orleans to Caribbean destinations is usually an unpleasant experience for me. Today was the exception as there were fewer problems associated with the airline check in. The TSA checkpoint was even more delightful than the check in. The entire process required less than thirty minutes from arrival to seating in the gate area. The ease of this experience is directly related to our arrival time of 04:30 for a 05:30 boarding time.

As trouble free as our departure from New Orleans was, disappointment became reality in Miami. We were originally scheduled for departure from Miami to Provo @ 09:50. It is currently 11:15 and there is no indication of when we will be departing.

At last, we pushed away from the gate @ 12:50 Miami time. Three hours waiting at the gate was not an amusing experience in this particular case. We didn't gety a clear understanding of the problem. It was more frustrating watching the maintenance team work on the left engine of the aircraft from the view of the departure gate.

We arrived on Provo @ 14:15. It was a smooth flight from Miami and everyone was happy to finally get here.

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